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There are different types of rolls that you can perform, which have different options.

Roll Types

  • /roll skillcheck Use this when Franz prompts you for a skill check. This will automatically apply the modifier from your character sheet for the specified skill.
  • /roll attack Use this in combat. Use thedescribe option to describe your attack and specify the target(s).
  • /roll hit dice Use this to heal during a short rest. Franz will automatically apply your constitution modifier.
  • /roll initiative Use this to roll initiative at the start of combat. Franz will automatically apply your dexterity modifier.
  • /roll saving-throw Use this when Franz prompts you for a saving throw. This will automatically apply the modifier from your character sheet for the specified skill.
  • /roll custom Use this when you need to roll a custom die that isn't covered by the above casees. Choose the type of die, how many rolls, to roll with advantage or disadvantage, and any additional modifier bonuses to add to the final result.