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In Friends & Fables, there are three modes you can be in:

  1. Looking for Quest Franz has a directive to make a quest appear for you
  2. In Quest You have clicked "Accept Quest". Franz stores this quest in memory and will try to keep you on track.
  3. Quests off A free roam mode, for when you just want to explore or hang out. Franz might still float a quest to you, but you won't be able to officially accept the quest through the system.

Intended Quest Flow

Quest System

What is an official quest?

An official quest is a quest that is tracked by the system. When you click the "Accept Quest" button, we generate the quest and save it in the system. Then, we keep the quest in Franz's memory until you complete the quest.

Custom Quests

If you want to go on a specific type of quest, you'll have to make it happn in the game. For example, if you want to do a train hiest, you would /talk to Franz and say something like "I want to do a train heist. I'll start by going to the tavern to see if I can recruit some help and get some information about the train." He should make the quest appear shortly after that.


  • Sometimes the "Accept Quest" button may appear before there is enough information about the quest. In those cases, click "Keep talking", and ask Franz for more information. What is the name of the item you are trying to retrieve? Why is it important? What is the specific reward you should get? Try to make sure all of that text is visibile in the chat, because when you click "Accept Quest", it uses those last messages to generate the official quest that is stored in the system.